Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Bloom’s Taxonomy-Action Verbs Requiring Cognitive Outcomes

This is very useful when writing learning objectives.

The following list of verbs is arranged by the classes above. The verbs are measurable and observable behaviors expected of the learner. While it is certainly admirable to “gain an understanding,” it is not possible to observe or measure understanding itself. What does the learner have to do to indicate that he or she “understands?” Use of an action verb enables both the teacher and learner to know what comprises successful learning. It is preferable to use only one verb in each standard although there are instances when two are needed for clarity or texture.

Knowledge:  (Standards that ask the learner to recognize and recall facts and specifics)

          define               delineate           specify
          outline              memorize         repeat
          record              list                    state
          recall                name                relate
          label                 match

Comprehension:  (Standards that ask the learner to summarize or paraphrase given information)

          restate             discuss             describe
          summarize       recognize          explain
          express            identify             locate
          report               review              tell

Application:   (Standards that ask the learner to use information in a situation different from the original learning context)

          translate           interpret           apply
          employ             use                   demonstrate (a skill)
          dramatize         practice            illustrate
          operate            solve                schedule
          show                sketch

Analysis:    (Standards that ask the learner to separate the whole into its parts, to better understand the organization of the whole and the relationships between the parts)

          distinguish         analyze             differentiate
          appraise            examine           criticize
          critique             classify             calculate
          experiment       test                  compare
          contrast            diagram            inspect
          debate              inventory          question
          relate                solve                examine

Synthesis:  (Standards that ask the learner to combine elements learned into a new entity)

          compose          plan                  propose
          design               formulate          arrange
          assemble          collect               predict
          create               design               set up
          organize           manage            prepare

Evaluation:   (Standards that ask the learner to make decisions, judge, or select based on criteria and rationale)

          judge                appraise            evaluate
          rate                  compare           measure
          revise               score                select
          choose             assess              estimate

Source: http://www.highperformancetrainingworks.com/EPSS/TechNotes/Bloom.htm

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Overview

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment has helped millions of people worldwide gain insights about themselves and how they interact with others—and improve how they communicate, learn, and work.

MBTI Assessment Overview 

Source: The People Development People Website